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Students in S1-S3 will learn and develop a range of skills and techniques that will prepare them to complete certificate courses and provide transferable skills for use across the curriculum and beyond.

In Expressive Art students will cover portraiture, still life, built environment, sea, and landscape, in Design they will learn graphics, textiles, and product design. All of which will jump between 2D and 3D outcomes in a huge variety of different mediums. Students will also learn about different artists and designers, and how to analyse works and show appreciation through the written and spoken word.

Art S1-S3


National 4 Art and Design.

National 4 Art and Design is practical and experimental, and the key focus is creativity. The course combines developing knowledge and understanding of artists and designers and their work, with practical learning experiences in both expressive and design contexts.


National 5 Art and Design.

The National 5 Art and Design course allows candidates to improve their skills base and broaden their horizons regarding the range of careers available to them. Throughout the course, candidates develop creativity, perseverance, independence, and resilience. Learning through art and design also develops candidates’ ability to critically appreciate aesthetic and cultural values, identities, and ideas.


Higher Art and Design

Higher Art and Design allows candidates to develop skills and qualities at a professional standard that are in high demand in many different careers. Throughout the course, candidates continue to develop creativity, perseverance, independence, and resilience. They also continue to build on their skills further developing ways to critically appreciate aesthetic and cultural values, identities, and ideas.


NPA Photography.

This year we have been able to offer our S4- S6 students the opportunity to study the art of Photography. Students work towards gaining a National Progression Award (NPA) in the senior phase. Students will produce two portfolios of work based on photographing places and photographing people. They will also complete a further two units of work which focus on editing photographs and evaluating the work of famous photographers through a research activity.

Art S4-S6
Art Course Choices

S4 & Senior Course Choices

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