Scottish Attainment Challenge
The Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC) is about achieving equity in Education.with a particular focus on closing the poverty-related attainment gap.
The Scottish Attainment Challenge provides additional targeted funding for local authorities and schools.
We have been a SAC funded school since 2016.
From 2016 – 2019 – we used our funding to provide additional staffing for the following 5 interventions:-
Literacy Co-ordinator
Numeracy Co-ordinator
Health and Well being Co-ordinator
Nurture Co-ordinator
Family Engagement Worker
The SAC funding from 16-19 enabled us to make improvements in our school attainment.
Improved Literacy and Numeracy levels at 3rd/4th level in the Broad General Education
Improved Literacy and Numeracy levels at level 4 and level 5 in the Senior Phase
Improved Pupil support services
Daily nurture in the WHECWams room for a group of targeted S1 pupils
Bronze level achieved in Rights Respecting Schools
Reduced school exclusions (reducing from 28 exclusions in 17/18 to 26 exclusions in 18/19)
Universal/Focused/Targeted provision for all pupils
Introduction of a trauma informed therapeutic space called ‘The Hub’
Improved family engagement
Parents have been engaging in outdoor learning activities in partnership with Bridge 8 outdoor hub during summer holidays. Child and adult participants reported positive experiences and increased confidence.
Parent and carer coffee mornings promoting CHAI (Community Help and Advice Initiative) have been attended by parents. The impact of this is that families are starting to engage with the school in new and exciting ways that have not been seen before.
Understanding the Curriculum’ events were attended by parents/carers from S3-S6 in 18/19 and were well received by all attending parents.
56% of pupils and families of a targeted Maths class attended an after school numeracy club to provide extra support and build confidence in Numeracy.
92% of the 2018/19 S4 cohort achieved a 5 @ 3 benchmark, assisted by the Targeted Attainment Group (TAG) provision which was supported by the Family Engagement worker.
SAC interventions for 19/20 included :-
Mental Health Worker – Place to Be
Targeted Attainment Group (TAG) Co-ordinator
Home link worker
If you have any questions regarding the Scottish Attainment Challenge please contact Mrs Heritage (Senior Development Officer/ S5 Year Head) or Mr Young (Headteacher).