The Wellbeing Hub
The Wellbeing Hub at WHHS
A new learning space for pupils who need extra support with social, emotional, and behavioural needs, which provides a nurturing environment where young people can improve their achievement and experience success.
What are Wellbeing Hubs?
Wellbeing Hubs are part of the Education Service in Edinburgh. They have been designed to meet the needs of pupils who would benefit from a specialised curriculum in a small class setting, with a higher staff ratio than that of a mainstream school. These young people have education support needs linked to their emotional wellbeing: they may feel too anxious to engage with learning or struggle with managing their emotions and behaviour.
Who attends the Wellbeing Hub at WHHS?
The Wellbeing Hub is accessed through the ‘Getting It Right For Every Child’ (GIRFEC) process. Every pupil attending the WH for any part of the school day will have a plan in place with targets specific to their identified needs that will have been discussed with all those involved with the young person at a GIRFEC planning meeting.
What happens at the Wellbeing Hub at WHHS?
S1 & S2 pupils are taught a curriculum through a thematic approach across traditional subjects such as literacy and numeracy, as well as practical and experiential activities that support positive relationships and emotional development. Pupils are encouraged to access classes and activities in the mainstream school where appropriate and where they can be supported.
S3 & S4 pupils are supported in the Targeted Attainment Group (TAG) and can access their subject(s) in a smaller, more nurturing environment. The TAG provision aims to support pupils to achieve National qualifications and other awards through individual coaching and teaching input.
WHHS Wellbeing Hub Team
Our team at Wester Hailes Education Centre is led by a Curricular Leader, who works closely with the mainstream school staff and other partners such as Educational Psychologists and ASL service colleagues. The team consists of a Support for Learning Teacher, a Pupil Support Officer, and a Pupil Support Assistant.
Stuart Clark: Curriculum Leader Wellbeing Hub
Kelly McCubbin-Park: Pupil Support Officer
Amy McMillan: Pupil Support Assistant